
Be The Change You Want The World To See: TheGoodYouCan


2016 gave us a lot of reasons to worry! While the kindest of souls were lost to terrorism, the world also witnessed a deadly virus attack. From witnessing snowfall in Saudi Arabia to the 20-mile crack in the West Antarctic ice sheet, this year gave us a lot of reasons to sit back and think about what we’re doing to the world we live in! Though we cannot reverse these changes, we sure can do something to bring a change, to make this world a better place to live! 100 Pipers highlighted this wonderful initiative with their new campaign ‘The Good You Can’ which has a series of videos highlighting the changes that you can adopt for a better tomorrow.

Here’re some of the things that you can do to change the world and make it a better place for future generations:

    • Conserve non-renewable resources: Be a responsible global citizen and save up on non-renewable resources like fuel. Don’t leave your engine idle while at a halt at the traffic light, instead, you can switch it off even if it is for two minutes. Over the course of time, the amount of carbon dioxide released is enough to destroy an entire forest! Switching off the engine will not only help in saving the environment and conserve fuel but will also reduce your money spent on fuel.

    • Take Less, Waste Less: Do you realize people actually die of hunger? A vast majority of the population is still not able to afford two meals a day, and you, just because you’re fortunate enough to afford that, waste the food! This new year, adopt a new practice! Take an adequate quantity of food and consume all of it. Don’t throw it away! It may feed someone who is less likely to afford the food.

    • Save Water: Saving water should not be a concern only when you’re expecting a crisis! You should do it more on a regular basis because water is life! The world water supply is finite and hence, make each drop of it count! Don’t leave the tap running while your brush your teeth. The water shortage that we’ve all faced at different time durations should be treated as a lesson for the future.

    • Recycle Paper: How many times do you scribble something on paper and just dump it? If you’ll continue doing it, not only will it leave you with fewer trees, but will also fill the dear Earth with a garbage dump! Hence, it is prudent for offices to recycle their paper waste.

    • Make Valuable Resolutions all across the year: It is not only at the 1st of January that you can adopt something good! Each moment you can make a new beginning. Learn to adopt valuable changes to make your living healthy and happy.

If you’re still wondering why you should adopt these changes, take a look at the statistics highlighted by the campaign videos of ‘TheGoodYouCan’! You sure will understand that it is the time you should be the change that you want to see in the world!

Puneet Bansal

Welcome to Review That Matters. I’m Puneet Bansal, a simple yet exciting guy based out of Delhi. I am a writer by hobby, Photographer by passion, Poet by mood, and HR by profession.

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